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Bnet ID: SynSatioN#1946  
Discord ID: danxyn
In-game name: Dansyn
Ladder: Yes
Hardcore: No (Softcore)
Platform: PC
Expansion: Yes (LoD)
Region: Americas Yes (Multiplayer)
Class: Assassin
Forum level:
Donator • Made a donation to the site.

About me

Still remember buying D2 in the mall with my big brother. By the time LoD came out, I was an enthusiast (even though I was "too young" for it). Fast forward two decades later, I'm enjoying D2R more than ever. If you're interested in a new MF buddy, hit me up on Discord!

Trade Stats

Refreshes daily
Current trust level: 103
Active trades: 0
Sold trades (last 3 days): 0
All-time sales: 124
All-time purchases: 29

Site Stats

Joined: 2 years ago
Last active: 6 months ago

Likes received: 15
Likes given: 22

Total posts: 23

Most active forum: Forums
(23 Posts / 100.00% of user’s posts)

Most active topic: Socketing Monarch with Cube Recipe Failing
(2 Posts / 8.70% of user’s posts)
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4 | Search user’s topics
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Refreshes daily
Data contributions: 0
Descriptions written: 0
Comments on entries: 0
Bugs reported: 0
Feedback given: 0
Questions answered: 0
Dclone reports: 6

Latest posts

I'll join too. I don't need the runes, but I have people in mind I could give them to. Thanks for giving back to the community. Righteous. 8 months ago
I have yet to hear of someone who got an Enigma (whether self found or bought through trade) and regretted it. It's just too good to pass on :] 10 months ago
If you think you wouldn't *just* play the tesladin/dream sorc, then definitely go with Enigma because you wouldn't regret the ability to transfer Enig… 10 months ago


If we have a trade, just add me to bnet rather than waiting for a delayed forum response please, thank you!
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