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Hi Community!

I need advice. I leveled up my barbarian with WarCry, which is pretty good but it's totally against my view as the Barbarian who should be swinging axes to kill enemies, not yell at them. I just did that for AOE purposes so that I could run through all the difficulties and so I did. I am level 81.

I managed to trade the entire Immortal King Set and I plan to reset my talents. I only got 2 free skills resets available from Akkara so I would like to make a good decision based on others' experience.

I struggle to choose a weapon between
Immortal King's Stone Crusher
(and then have a full set complete) vs 2x

With a 2h
I would need to go
build I suppose because I don't see any other alternative for 2h weapon right?
WIth 2x swords I would like to go
but then I assume not having the full set completed will be a waste of some stats.

If someone could advise I would much appreciate it.

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Hi Community!

I need advice. I leveled up my barbarian with WarCry, which is pretty good but it's totally against my view as the Barbarian who should be swinging axes to kill enemies, not yell at them. I just did that for AOE purposes so that I could run through all the difficulties and so I did. I am level 81.

I managed to trade the entire Immortal King Set and I plan to reset my talents. I only got 2 free skills resets available from Akkara so I would like to make a good decision based on others' experience.

I struggle to choose a weapon between
Immortal King's Stone Crusher
(and then have a full set complete) vs 2x

With a 2h
I would need to go
build I suppose because I don't see any other alternative for 2h weapon right?
WIth 2x swords I would like to go
but then I assume not having the full set completed will be a waste of some stats.

If someone could advise I would much appreciate it.
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Schnorki 3906Moderator

I dare say you're at that odd stage of gearing where it kind of doesn't matter.

2x Doom
vs. full IK WW ends up quite close to one another in terms of DPS to the point where it kind of doesn't make a real difference (not counting the CB on WW/IK,
is likely slightly higher). Either works albeit obviously not yet at levels anywhere near true endgame performance.

Missing the full set bonus isn't too big of a deal as it is mainly about the res there which is largely made up for by 1 pt in natural resistances.
wouldn't quite be capped across the board but high enough. WW IK would be fully capped.

Other than that, WW should leave you with a fair bit higher def as well, thanks to the lower skill pt invest as compared to
. Double Doom on the other hand would leave you with slightly higher life and life steal.

Obviously also boils down a bit to what else you're using. I went ahead and assumed a torch, anni, double
, highlords and nothing else just for kind of a "low-end min comparison" and whatnot. But regardless, either one should work fine (again: fine as in able to survive and clear stuff, not fine as in 'endgame gear p8 facerolling') so I would say go with whichever playstyle you prefer. I've been a fan of WW for the longest time (really exclusively back in the day especially) but have grown to love
on my barb these days. Very different experience, both perfectly viable, both with their own pros and cons.
If you go with
x2, I guess you would need crushing blow from somewhere else. And for me personally, I would not put a
on a

But if you go with full IK set, demage wise, it is not that impressive also. I dont have math on the break points, but I guess put 2
rune on it, in conjunction with high lord might help.

And IK often gets utilized partially equiped. So no need to feel wasted.

I guess it depends on what you want to do with this barb. I love to have a glowing barb, so even demage is not that impressive, I still love full IK set 😄

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