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Description by M1ck

Can be used to make Runewords:

Thank you for hosting such giveaway :)

Let's try my luck :D
I dare to say that some seasoned players might have created new accounts just to participate in this event… i think that is wrong but there is no rule stating so from OP. However, i am sure OP intended this event for newcomer to d2r and d2.

Either way, it all boils down to integrity :)

Again, Awesome giveway. Best ive seen so far for a single giveaway event.

Can trade on PC or SWITCH
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TheDoo 371

Europe PC
d2rppa69 wrote: 7 months ago
I dare to say that some seasoned players might have created new accounts just to participate in this event… i think that is wrong but there is no rule stating so from OP. However, i am sure OP intended this event for newcomer to d2r and d2.

Either way, it all boils down to integrity :)

Again, Awesome giveway. Best ive seen so far for a single giveaway event.
To support this idea, you have a point Mr. d2rppa69 so I would like to withdraw myself from this giveaway and increase a chance for some newcomer to win. :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
Can't believe I won this, was just in it for the giggles and the fun in participating, never expected to win.

Thanks again for this wonderful lottery! May rng be with you!


sic vis pacem para bellum


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