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Hello To all. My first post here.
I saw some topics (here and other forums) related to best location to find runes. Specially high runes like
But I did not see some topics that connect the character level with the Runes.
Does anyone knows if there is a "perfect" level to find the runes, or at least a minimum level?

Thanks folks!

Can be used to make Runewords:

Hello To all. My first post here.
I saw some topics (here and other forums) related to best location to find runes. Specially high runes like
But I did not see some topics that connect the character level with the Runes.
Does anyone knows if there is a "perfect" level to find the runes, or at least a minimum level?

Thanks folks!
The character level doesn't affect the items that are dropped

You can always make alternative offers with Keys.
I don't really trade in pgems.
Can trade on PC and Switch

second account JuliePayette#1511
Character level doesn't change the drops except in
zones where the drop levels can depend on the level of the creator of the game.

Having more levels generally equals a faster clear speed which will mean more rune drops per time.
There's no character level requirement to find runes. The chance for rune drops increases based on the game difficulty and act, monster type & level, and number of players in the game. Magic Find also does NOT factor into rune drops at all.

Please do not add me on BNet without a comment on a trade posting.

Trade: PC | Softcore, Ladder & Non-Ladder | UTC-6
kill more monsters fast as you can..
ghost/whisps and the likes have higher runedrop chances.

wanted to make a joke that the perfect lvl is 50 but couldnt think of anything fun to add.
Asymmetry wrote: 1 year ago
The chance for rune drops increases based on the game difficulty and act, monster type & level, and number of players in the game.
Players, yes because the chance of nodrop decreases, Monster type yes, because certain types like the mentioned ghosts are unable to drop equipable items but where did you get the information that difficulty, act and monster level (after the point where they can drop
Runes, of cause) affects the rune drops? How much better is the drop chance between an Act 4 and Act 5 Hell monster for example? Please don't get me wrong, i don't want to be offensive, but this information is new to me. I always thought that runedrops have a constant dropchance, like Charms, Gems, Jewels, and Scrolls.

Post ur offer before adding me. No PM. Only add me if u offer bin/lf. No reply after 3 days=offer rejected
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
They probably meant, that chances to get higher runes increases based on the difficulty

You can always make alternative offers with Keys.
I don't really trade in pgems.
Can trade on PC and Switch

second account JuliePayette#1511
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ShadowHeart 2790Moderator

Europe PC
Blubbalutsch wrote: 1 year ago
Players, yes because the chance of nodrop decreases, Monster type yes, because certain types like the mentioned ghosts are unable to drop equipable items but where did you get the information that difficulty, act and monster level (after the point where they can drop
Runes, of cause) affects the rune drops? How much better is the drop chance between an Act 4 and Act 5 Hell monster for example? Please don't get me wrong, i don't want to be offensive, but this information is new to me. I always thought that runedrops have a constant dropchance, like Charms, Gems, Jewels, and Scrolls.
Actual drop chance as well as what items are possible to drop depends on the monster's TC (treasure class), which can change based on the area they appear in. This can get quite complex to calculate. At a fundamental level (as far as I understand it anyway), each monster type inherently belongs to a TC, but many base monster types can appear in multiple areas with wildly different area levels, which affects their monster level and in turn their also their TC. wrote:
In NM or Hell, if a monster's level is higher than the level of his base TC, and there is another TC in the same group which is higher level but still equal to or less than his monster level, it will upgrade to that TC.
That's why, for example, a Hungry Dead that appears in
Stony Field
on Hell is level 68 and drops from TC66 (TC69 if they are a unique/champion), but the same Hungry Dead base monster type that appears in
is level 85 and drops from TC84 (TC87 if they are a unique/champion). Generally speaking, a higher level Treasure Classes means that the monster can drop higher quality base items, including runes.

(that link btw, is an excellent resource to get fundamental grasp of the drop system in D2)

I'm far from an expert on the subject, so if I got anything wrong, feel free to correct me :)

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
You wanna find high runes? Then you MUST play like this, holding a buffalo horn in one hand while bathing in milk with garlic and red chilli peppers.

Keep saying

Occhio malocchio
Prezzemolo e finocchio
Ego me baptizo
Contro il malocchio

And bers will just drop in flocks

100% guaranteed results

Sweet Lovely Death
Just waiting for your breath
Come sweet Death
One Last Caress
Some people say you have to sub to MrLlamaSC to unlock BERs… cause he knows the devs and what not… but that never worked for me…

All my trades are maintained, at most I have opened a discussion for the item and I follow the first come, first served policy

I answer much faster if you add me on BNet
Hello Guys. It was very helpfull! Thanks to all!!!


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