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Unique Runeword Set Base Crafted Rare Magic
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This includes Runes, Gems, Quest Items, Keys, Materials, and anything else in the 'Misc' section of the database.
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Do not post 'need rush' etc. in the main discussion forums.
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Note that 'Legacy' means game versions and mods other than those in Resurrected. Basically the original vanilla D2 game or mods like PoD, SlashDiablo etc.
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Note that 'Non-Expansion' means 'Pre-LoD in Resurrected' or 'Non-Expansion character in Resurrected' - this is different to Legacy (which refers to versions of Diablo 2 other than Resurrected).
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Note that you can trade with anyone in any region in Resurrected. This filter option only indicates that you are looking for trades local to one region, which makes game organisation easier for your trade.
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High runes are Mal, Ist, Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, Ber, Jah, Cham, Zod.
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Low runes are all runes not considered as HRs.
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Amazon Assassin Necromancer Barbarian Sorceress Paladin Druid
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Use this to browse items that are good for a particular class, for example traders will often apply this filter if their item has +to X class or skill tree modifiers.
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Used for returning trades that are good for a specific hireling/mercenary.
+ Skiller Resists Life Mana Magic Find Extra Gold Increased Attack Speed Faster Cast Rate Faster Run/Walk Faster Hit Recovery Enhanced Damage Min/Max Damage Attack Rating
This will return results of items that match any of the selected 'modifier' filters

Handy if you're looking for a particular stat on an item. If you can't find a filter, use a keyword instead.
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Returns results for items that are Ethereal quality.
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Returns results for items that are Superior quality.
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Returns results for only for items that have been marked as unidentified (unid).
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Free :)
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Useful as a standalone filter or combined with additional stat filters to discover charm trades.
Amulets Rings Jewels Body Armor Barb Helms Belts Boots Gloves Helms Pelts Shrunken Heads Shields Targes Axes Katars Daggers Swords Hammers Mauls Maces Clubs Scepters Polearms Spears Bows Crossbows Javelins Throwing Orbs Staves Wands
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Total results: 5619 • Page 186 of 188

Enjoy and get a rush <3
[center][b]Hello.. and welcome to my offer!

I am happy to help you with a Rush,
decide for [green]yourself[/green] what you want to give me for it,
Normal to Hell // all Quests are possible too.

[violet]Discord ID: lown#5417
Bnet ID: lown#25104[/violet]

- - - >>> by the way, I would offer one ist for a 3x3

Listed by lown21504  •  Expires 2 years ago

I do Uber for you
[center][b]Hello.. and welcome to my offer!

I will be happy to help you with your Uber,
decide for [green]yourself[/green] what you want to give me for it,
in the end you will receive 100% your uid torch.

[violet]Discord ID: lown#5417
Bnet ID: lown#25104[/violet]

- - - >>> by the way, I would offer one ist for a 3x3

Listed by lown21504  •  Expires 2 years ago

Help With Norm Ancients plz Favor For Favor? Need Help Doing Normal Ancients And Baal Please. Ill Rush a Char For you in the future if its in need (of course if you dont need now), you will not have to look, or whatever i could do for you, i have a lvl 85 hammerdin that i solo Hell With.

Listed by Daytonz  •  Expires 2 years ago

Free Uber tp Let's say I wanted to try and I failed...
Anyway if you want a free Lilith TP, you can join on EU now : Mery123 // 123
As for me I'm off to bed. Enjoy ;)

Listed by Mery  •  Expires 2 years ago

Rushing from normal - hell Hey guys, I can rush you through anything in the game and kill even ancient's or baal on hell difficulty.
Just for the price of your Hell's forge quest, (Act 4, quest 2).

If you are interested and wish for a faster response you can contact me either via discord: Misaomaiko#6969
or bnet snOwOw#21243

Listed by misaomaiko  •  Expires 2 years ago

Listed by LordObjectz  •  Expires 2 years ago

Listed by Mediaburn  •  Expires 2 years ago

Uber for Cheap Message me with what you want to pay for Uber and we'll get it set up. Thanks!

Listed by Meegraine  •  Expires 2 years ago

Need help:Travinical onward and shenk I need help in hell from trav to socket quest please help

Listed by Greet_Death  •  Expires 2 years ago

MF partner Americas? Greetin's.

I'm looking for one or more people to do cooperative magic find games with me. It's hard to find a hell game that isn't a trading game, and when I join almost any game, I find that someone has teleported ahead and killed everything that I was going to kill. When I can find someone to play with, everyone seems to have some hack that picks up loot before it hits the ground and I get nothing. I can solo bosses, but it often takes a long time, as I'm a summoner necro.

It would be best if you can do good single target damage, and benefit from being able to hide behind my tough minions when necessary. Also, you must be willing to communicate so we can come to a mutually agreeable split on loot. You can reply here, or find me in game. SuperCarcass #1673. Thanks for reading.

Listed by EwwwCarcass  •  Expires 2 years ago

i rush u nm/hell 4 forge i will do any quest u want and give wps


Listed by xXxButtersxXx  •  Expires 2 years ago

i rush u nm/hell for your forge i will do any quests u want and give wps


Listed by xXxButtersxXx  •  Expires 2 years ago

O Uber services Hi, I am offering uber service for pul rune per run or something equal to that price.

Your keys and you tele for Izual and Lilith.
Send me a msg with game name and I be there as quick as I can.
Pref EU servers.

Listed by inze88  •  Expires 2 years ago

Best duo for Ubers Hi all,

My brother and I are reliving our glory days and have started playing D2 again. Never did any of the ubers originally, but I have found a few keys and thought it would be nice to try.

It seems obvious that we need one of us to be a Smiter, which I can work on. What would be the best second class to go along with a smiter?

We are not in a rush, and I don't even have a complete key set yet, so this may be months away, but I wanted to get a head start. Thanks!

Listed by m00  •  Expires 2 years ago

Offering Rushing/Power Leveling Any Act/Level/Way Point (Normal/Nightmare/Hell) or a combo.
LF Runes in trade for the service(s).
We can work out a deal :) !

Listed by joedirt138  •  Expires 2 years ago

I rush 4 Forge XxPowersxX#1827 this is my battle tag msg me if ur interested

Listed by xXxButtersxXx  •  Expires 2 years ago

rush normal till hell Hello

could someone rush me normal till hell?

il pay you. do not have any good runes, but i could pay you in stuff

let me know if you could help me:)

Listed by jonite  •  Expires 2 years ago

UBER SERVİCE I can do UT for u for mal rune ( Europa Server ) enough to send a pm

Listed by Kaypuz  •  Expires 2 years ago

Listed by aFFeCtionZ  •  Expires 2 years ago

Uber Tristram help So, I guess I got into a problematic situation:

I got to uber Tristram (for the first time ever), killed diablo and baal; but Mephisto killed me and now his minions are camping the portal (I insta-die, when I try to go to Tristram).

I would appreciate it, if someone could help solve the mess for me - I could give you a mal for it (I would like to have the torch though :D)

Listed by Sandrechka  •  Expires 2 years ago

LF PSN players PSN: tinyblue_1989

Matchmaking is broken and I never am able to find a game with people in it.

I have a lvl 82 Sorc, add me if you are interested in playing some coop.

Listed by tinyblue_1989  •  Expires 2 years ago

Grush for Grush Add me if interested for quick rush


Listed by Cooldude332  •  Expires 2 years ago

Help with Uber Trist? Anyone available to help with Ubers? I've gotten myself into a bad situation and don't want to waste my organs lol. Will tip.

Listed by Silverious  •  Expires 2 years ago

LF NM and Hell Rush Looking for a rush from A1 NM through Anya in Hell, willing to give both forges.

Listed by APKefka  •  Expires 2 years ago

Listed by delirioushaze  •  Expires 2 years ago

Need Rush Normal to Hell + Level up Hello, i have a 14lvl Sorceress in EU server in D2R and need normal rush untill Hell and a level up boost as much as your time can allow.

If anyone is interesed i will post my battlenet tag below.

Listed by Apollo  •  Expires 2 years ago

Normal Rush 4 Rush Need to rush a few mules to socket quests. Would like to just swap rushes.

Pattywack#11183 pst me if interested.

Listed by pattywack1991  •  Expires 2 years ago

[EU] Need rush from normal to hell can offer rush with lv90 sorc in return.

Listed by wangxh321  •  Expires 2 years ago

Uber Services Here! Willing to offer my services for runes.
Must have keys and prefer NA Region.

Listed by Geruko  •  Expires 2 years ago

Uber Service Offer Uber Service on Pc and Psn.
Cost - 3x3 + Ist\mal or just 1x3 keys

Pm me or add :)
psn - TheHateRus

Listed by ExterminatoR  •  Expires 2 years ago
Total results: 5619 • Page 186 of 188

The browse trades feature lets you filter, search, and sort all Diablo 2 trade listings currently on the marketplace without having to use any keywords. Ladder trades can be found by selecting the 'Ladder' filter, which can be combined with the 'Playstation' filter for example to change the results. Remember, add filters carefully - they work on AND logic. Happy trading! :)





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