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Im am still trying to figure out what Paladin shields can be worth something. Is a shield like this worth anything? Thanks in advance for your help
Description by Kasor

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Kasor 47

Necromancer Europe PC
Im am still trying to figure out what Paladin shields can be worth something. Is a shield like this worth anything? Thanks in advance for your help

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I'm not sure if any rare shields are worth anything. Most pally shields people want are unsocketed or 4 sockets, an elite base (i.e. the Hell version of an item; that
Heraldic Shield
is normal, exceptional would be
Protector Shield
, elite would be a
Kurast Shield
), and roll with a solid amount of resist all. Something like 30+ all res (max is 45).

They're valuable because people make runewords in them.

Now there might be some godly roll for a rare shield that would still be desirable, and by all means, someone come and correct me. But afaik, you really want to look out for socketed shields.


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